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UNCCD-Youth, Fully-Funded & Self-Funded Spots at the Desertification Youth Forum – New Delhi, India 2019

UNCCD-Youth, Fully-Funded & Self-Funded Spots at the Desertification Youth Forum - New Delhi, India 2019

Deadline: August 16, 2019
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) is one of the three conventions, together with the UNFCCC and UNCBD, the process for which was initiated at the Rio Earth Summit 1992, together with adoption of Agenda 21. UNCCD itself was adopted in 1994. Its primary areas of focus are desertification and land degradation, with several further layers of thematic focus such as Land & Human Security, Droughts, and Climate Change,. It is an intergovernmental process, which has biennial Conference of Parties (COP). The next COP (COP14) will take place in New Delhi, India from 2-13 September 2019.

In conjunction with the UNCCD COP14 in India, the Desertification Youth Forum will be hosted to bring together young people from different parts of the world to engage in these topics, and to also participate in COP. It is being organised by indicated youth organisations in partnership with UNCCD Secretariat.

Dates: 7 September – 8 September 2019

Venue: India Mart and Expo, in the Greater Noida area of New Delhi, India

The UNCCD’s Conferences of the Parties (COP) is the place where governments agree on strategic and effective land use and sustainable land management goals to ensure nature and ecosystems thrive. COP14 will focus on the critical gaps in land management and planning, but also on practical actions to ensure the successes we are achieving, which are becoming more evident on the biophysical level, increase human well-being everywhere.

Over 3,000 participants from all over the world are expected to participate in COP14. The Parties to the Convention will agree on the actions each will take over the next two years and beyond to get us on a sustainable development path.

Ministers from 196 countries, scientists and representatives of national and local governments, non-governmental organizations, city leaders, the private sector, industry experts, women, youth, journalists, faith and community groups will share their expertise, and agree on the most viable solutions. New actions will be guided by an assessment of the outcomes of the decisions they took two years ago.

Desertification, land degradation and drought are huge challenges. But investing in the land and its stewards can open up vast opportunities for the economy and environmental resilience. COP14 is aiming to help countries achieve Land Degradation Neutrality by delivering tools and resources that are fit for purpose. Tools that are built on accurate and reliable science and data, participatory processes and compromise, and benefit everyone. Countries can withstand future environmental challenges better by optimizing land management and massively scaling up sustainable practices and the restoration of degraded land.

The Forum is held just prior to the High-level segment and will feature heads of UN agencies, and ministerial participation. The agenda is being developed and will be shared so


  • Are you a young person under the age of 35 and your work relates with the thematic of desertification, forests, land, climate and related topics?

  • Or are you a youth organisation, or agency with focus on youth issues and would like to host a session (workshop, event, etc.) at the Youth Forum?

How to apply

Click here to apply

Odewale Abayomi
A passionate WANDERLUST and WORLD EXPLORER, Civil Engineer, Google Local Guide Nigeria and 2017 ICFJ–UN Foundation Climate Reporting and Migration Fellow; eager to circulate opportunities with the youth across the globe – in bridging the deficiency gaps of human capacity development especially among African youths. Opportunities like Fully/Partially Funded: conferences, trainings, internships, grants, scholarships, fellowships and volunteerism. For: invitation as a SPEAKER at your conferences/trainings, PARTNERSHIP and ADVERTISEMENT, reach him via: Twitter handle: @ODEWALEAbayomi Phone/WhatsApp: +2347068801344

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