Deadline: August 1, 2019, 23:59 IST
The fourth edition of India School on Internet Governance (inSIG2019) is being convened during 15-17 Nov 2019 at Kolkata. The event will bring together Fellows (domestic and international), Internet Governance experts & practitioners, past-Fellows, and representatives of the different stakeholders in the domain of Internet Governance.
India School on Internet Governance (inSIG) is a community-driven initiative, organized jointly by the Delhi, Trivandrum, Kolkata and Mumbai Chapters of Internet Society.
inSIGI2019 will be using the APNIC Fellowship Management System for the Fellowship Selection process.
The India School on Internet Governance (inSIG) was founded in 2016, when inSIG2016 was convened in Oct-Nov 2016 at IIIT Hyderabad, immediately prior to the ICANN57 meeting held at the same city. The event had 44 participants from 9 countries and 22 speakers from 12 countries.
The second edition of inSIG was held in October 2017 at Technopark, Trivandrum, which brought together 88 participants, including 63 Fellows from 5 countries, 15 Speakers from 6 countries. The third edition, held in New Delhi in Oct 2018, brought together about 90 participants.
The 2019 edition of inSIG builds on the vision and design of the first three editions and aims to build a community of IG professionals in India as well as in the broader South Asia region of Asia-Pacific, who can effectively participate in global Internet Governance processes. The event is also a forum to discuss topical issues of specific relevance to India.
- Indian Fellows will be eligible for travel, accommodation and fee waiver,
- while International Fellows will be eligible for accommodation and fee waiver (but not travel).
For enquiries:
Please mail the organizers at [email protected] for any inquiries.