Deadline: 15 January 2019
Building on the success of last year’s Scholarship programme, Knowledge Action Change (K•A•C) is pleased
to announce the launch of the 2nd K•A•C Global Tobacco Harm Reduction Scholarship Programme.
We have developed a Scholarship package to provide Scholars with a grounding in the theories and practice of tobacco harm reduction.
The Scholarships will commence at the Global Forum on Nicotine (GFN) Conference in Warsaw, Poland, between 13 to 15 June 2019.
We want people to learn from GFN and have the opportunity to implement this learning in their home countries. There will be 20 Scholarships for the year, with funds available to support agreed projects up to the value of $10,000. The Scholarships are a K•A•C initiative funded by a grant from the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World (FSFW). The programme was independently designed by and is run by K•A•C. Some projects may be included in future versions of the KAC publication “The Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction”.
We welcome applications from all potential scholars with an interest in tobacco harm reduction. This may include:
- people intending to enter the field of research into tobacco harm reduction and/or public health;
- postgraduate students;
- researchers and scientists;
- medical professionals;
- consumers;
- writers;
- internet and social media professionals;
- film makers and other audio-visual professionals.
The scholarships are intended to:
- build research capacity in the field of tobacco harm reduction;
- develop and promote the evidence base
- raise awareness of research and its implications for public health policy;
- enable consumers to make more informed personal health choices;
- improve the implementation and understanding of tobacco harm reduction.
In addition to the funds available
scholars can expect:
- travel to and from the GFN;
- accommodation for the duration of the conference;
- a bespoke programme for Scholars at the conference;
- the opportunity to hear about the experiences of previous Scholars;
- Mentoring and support throughout the programme from experts in the field;
- email, telephone and Skype support;
- a closed Facebook discussion group for Scholars;
- support in identifying “next steps” in a possible career in the field of tobacco harm reduction;
- the possibility of showing the outcome of your project (either in poster form or as a presentation) at GFN 2020.
Indicative examples of the sort of projects that the scheme will fund might include:
- scope research on tobacco harm reduction priorities in a country;
- design a research project on the nature or use of tobacco harm reduction products;
- improve the applicant’s understanding of science and science skills by links with, or placement within, a research team or tobacco harm reduction organization;
- design and initiate an intervention project to enhance public and/or professional understanding of tobacco harm reduction and related projects;
- design and develop an organization to take forward research on the understanding of tobacco harm reduction;
- design and initiate a tobacco harm reduction intervention project within a health and social care setting;
- make and disseminate a short film or use other media to disseminate accurate information about tobacco harm reduction;
- organize a workshop(s) on tobacco harm reduction;
- develop science communication skills;
- write a research paper or other material for publication;
- establish a website or other social media resource to improve the understanding of tobacco harm reduction;
- examine how poorer countries might overcome problems presented by “high tech” tobacco harm reduction initiatives.
Successful applicants will be notified by 15 March 2019.