Deadline:31st May 2018
The Food Sustainability Media Award aims to recognise the work of professional journalists and emerging talent from all over the world for excellence in reporting and communicating issues related to food security, sustainability, agriculture and nutrition.
The Thomson Reuters Foundation and Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition are excited to announce that submissions for the 2018 Food Sustainability Media Award are now open. Professional journalists, freelancers, bloggers and individuals are invited to submit both published and unpublished work covering issues related to food security, sustainability, agriculture and nutrition. The Award seeks especially to highlight three major paradoxes affecting our global food system, and the solutions being put forward to tackle to them: • Hunger & Obesity – for every undernourished person there are now two obese or overweight people in the world; • Food & Fuel – a third of agricultural cereal crops are sued to produce animal feed or biofuels despite hunger and malnutrition; • Waste & Starvation – 1.3 billion tonnes of edible food is wasted every year, four times the amount needed to feed the 815 million undernourished people around the world. Entrants can submit work in the categories of Written Journalism and Multimedia (including video, animations, photography and audio), published and unpublished.
The Food Sustainability Media Award aims to recognise the work of professional journalists and emerging talent from all over the world for excellence in reporting and communicating issues related to food security, sustainability, agriculture and nutrition.
Entries to the Food Sustainability Media Award will be judged in two categories: written journalism and multimedia.
•For each category we will award both one published and one unpublished piece of work.
•Winning published work in the written journalism and multimedia categories will receive a €10,000 cash prize.
•Winning unpublished work in the written journalism and multimedia categories will receive an all-expenses paid trip to attend a Thomson Reuters Foundation media training course on food sustainability.
•Both winning unpublished entries will be distributed via the Thomson Reuters Foundation and the BCFN websites.
•The winning unpublished written work will also be distributed by the Thomson Reuters Foundation via the Reuters wire, reaching an estimated 1 billion readers.