Deadline: November 30th, 2017
Toshiba International Foundation (TIFO) supports projects that promote understanding of Japan, and divides them into the following four categories:
1. Symposia and seminars.
2. Cultural programs.
3. Research and studies.
4. Programs that train students who will promote international understanding of Japan.
- Applicants
1. Non-profit organizations capable of performing the proposed project that has or will have a bank account in its officially registered name into which to receive the grant.
- Project
1. Projects that meet TIFO’s objectives, with priority given to projects outside Japan
2. Projects, or a discrete part of a continuing project, that can be completed within one fiscal year (April 1st of one year to March 31st of the following year), with the provison that funding for discrete parts of a continuing project will be eligible for funding for a maximum of three consecutive years.
※ The following are ineligible and will not be accepted.
1. Applications from individuals
2. Application for expenses to stay in Japan for an extended period
1. Applicants who have received support for three consecutive years become ineligible to receive support for a fourth year under the same program. This measure enables TIFO to extend support to as many applicants as possible by de-emphasizing repeated long-term funding to the same recipients. Other than exceptional projects where TIFO finds compelling reasons for continued support for over three years, a guiding principle of TIFO’s grant policy is not to award grants for four consecutive years. While we do not regard such applications as ineligible, they are much less likely to receive support.
2. For multi-year projects of up to three years duration, the Selection Committee will evaluate the project each year and decide whether or not TIFO will continue to extend support.
3. The entire award founded in the amount of grant for the project must be used for the stated project purpose only. TIFO grant amounts are determined on the basis of specific estimate contained in applications, and we expect grant funds are not to be used to pay for any costs other than those expressly detailed in the application.
Eligible Country: Japan
Selection Schedule:
November 30th, 2017: Application deadline
February 2018 : Selection Committee selects projects for funding for fiscal year 2018
March 2018: Approval of the selected projects by the Board of Directors and notification to the applicants
Selection Committee:
Toshiba International Foundation has an independent selection committee that selects the most appropriate projects for funding from among the applications and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors.
Click here to download the application form