Deadline: 15 January 2018.
Duration: (1 April to 31 July 2018)
Every year, the BGHS invites doctoral researchers from other countries to work at the Graduate School for four months to promote international scientific and cultural exchange. Visiting fellows have the opportunity to use their stay at the BGHS to work intensively on their dissertation, visit degree programme courses and build contacts to our scientific community.
- Fellows receive a computer work station for the duration of their stipend.
- The grant consists of a EUR 1,200 stipend per month. This amount will be supplemented by a child allowance if applicable.
- Upon application, travel costs can also be covered by the Graduate School.
All international doctoral researchers may apply who are matriculated in a doctoral programme abroad and whose dissertation has a historical, sociological, social-anthropological or political science focus. German nationals may also apply if their tertiary education has been at foreign universities.
The visiting fellowships further networking with scientists at the BGHS, therefore no prolonged archival or research trips should take place within this period.
The candidates present their project to the BGHS community at the beginning of their stay and submit a final report by the end of their funding period.
To ensure that your project fits with the BGHS profile, you should take a close look at the areas of research covered by the graduate school. Your project should be relatable to those areas.
Important dates:
15 January 2018: Deadline for applications
February, 2018: Candidates are informed about the results of the application process
01 April, 2018: BGHS Visiting Fellowships begin
31 July, 2018: BGHS Visiting Fellowships end
Required Documents
Please submit the following documents:
- Curriculum Vitae (1,000 words max.) (guidelines )
- Covering letter (600 words max.) (guidelines ).
- Description of your dissertation project(2,000 words max.) (guidelines )
- Work schedule and timeframe for your stay at the BGHS
- Letter of recommendation from your supervisor/advisor at your university
(If preferred, your supervisor/advisor can send the letter directly to the BGHS:
- University and college certificates and transcripts (Master’s certificate). Please enclose a certified translation if certificates are not written in English or German.
Click for more information on their website