Deadline for Step 1: 13 October 2017
Franco-German Fellowship Programme on Climate, Energy and Earth System Research Funding of research groups within the framework of the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement (MOPGA-GRI)
- In Step1 of the call individual applicants submit a statement of interest using an online application form. Application deadline for Step 1: 13 October 2017
- In Step 2 of the call and following a review process a limited number of applicants from Step 1 will be asked to prepare a full application together with a German host institution of their choice (university or non-university research institution). Application deadline for Step 2: 15 February 2018
Goals of the programme
Germany and France are inviting researchers from all over the world to cooperate with German and French partners to advance sustainability research in the following fields:
1. Research on climate change
2. Research for the energy transition
3. Research to understand the Earth system.
Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) MOPGA-GRI stands for “Make Our Planet Great Again – German Research Initiative”.
What and who will be funded?
- Funding will be provided for the establishment of research groups in the designated research areas under the leadership of the successful applicants.
- Junior researchers will receive up to 1 million euros and senior researchers up to 1.5 million euros for 4 years (combined value of contributions from the DAAD and the German host institution)
- The funding provided will cover staff expenditure (including the position of the applicant him- or herself, post-docs, doctoral students and/or technicians), as well as expenditures for materials and consumables).
- Fellows of the programme will be given the opportunity to set up their own research group at a German university or research institution for a period of four years.
Funding period:
The funding period commences on 1st March 2018 (earliest begin) and ends on 31 December 2022 at the latest. The duration of a project may not exceed 48 months.
Who can apply?
- Both junior and senior researchers of all nationalities who have not resided in Germany in the last two years can apply.
- Junior researchers must have completed their doctorate with distinction at least two years prior to the application deadline of the programme.
- Applicants are expected to have an excellent record of publications and/or patents and wish to set up their own research group and realize a highly original and innovative research project at a German university or research institution of their choice.
Further information
The full call containing a detailed list of priority research areas covered by the programme is available under downloads .
Under Downloads you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions for the MOPGA-GRI Fellowship-Program.
For Enquiries Contact
DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service
P1 Project Policies and Internationalisation of Higher Education in Germany
Ms. Alexandra Okhrimenko
Tel.: +49 228 882-8951
Fax: +49 228 882-98951