Deadline: March 1, 2020
The IFPTI Fellowship Program is a unique, year-long program for food protection professionals who want to make a positive impact on the profession through association membership, advocacy, and applied leadership.
This Program takes a multifaceted approach incorporating three on-location weeklong sessions, periodic webinars, and a mentor-guided research project. This program is guided by recognized leaders in food protection and focuses on the areas of Professional Skills, Program Management, and Applied Leadership.
The IFPTI Fellowship in Food Protection: Leadership Development for an Integrated Food Safety System program is for food protection professionals who want to make a positive impact through association membership, advocacy, and leadership.
The Fellowship has over 75 alumni from federal, state, and local regulatory food protection agencies, and we are now welcoming applications for Cohort IX until March 1, 2020.
- The Fellowship Program is offered at no cost for selected U.S. participants. U.S. Fellows are reimbursed for all appropriate program travel expenses according to IFPRI’s travel policy.
- Fellows are paired with a food protection mentor, who provides Fellows with one-on-one advice and assistance related to the Fellows’ research projects and who helps them develop professional growth plans that can lead to long-term career growth and leadership enhancement.
- A guided research project, presentation, and publication are completed by each Fellow over the year-long course. Fellowship Program original research project findings are published in a special edition of the Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) Journal and presented at the AFDO Annual Educational Conference.
- Networking one-on-one with current and future federal, state, and local food protection leaders.
- The Fellowship Program is offered at no cost for selected U.S. participants. U.S. Fellows are reimbursed for all appropriate program travel expenses according to IFPTI’s travel policy.
- Fellows receive 16.6 IACET CEUs upon completion of the program.
For the US applicants
Current criteria for the Fellowship program prevents participation by anyone not employed with a U.S. human or animal food/feed regulatory agency (local, state, federal, tribal or territorial) or a government laboratory (supporting regulatory food programs).
For the International applicants
- Applications are welcome from regulators or laboratorians employed by non-U.S. human or animal food/feed regulatory agencies or government laboratories supporting food regulatory programs.
- The non-U.S. food regulator or laboratorian who desires to be considered for the Fellowship program must personally contact IFPTI for an in-depth discussion of his or her agency’s responsibilities for full tuition payment and all travel expenses.
How to apply:
- Applicants can apply via online mode.
- Resume
- Three letters of reference related to the food regulatory profession
- Agency or Supervisor letter of support to participate
- A written explanation of long-term food protection goals
- Applicant’s letter of commitment to complete the year-long program
- One page, original composition, with sources, of applicant’s perception of the Integrated Food Safety System (IFSS).
- Written proof of IELTS score (applies only to non-U.S. regulators or laboratorians)
- Entrance Requirement: Applicants must be food protection professionals.
- English Language Requirement: All non-U.S. applicants must have English proficiency of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) of a minimum of band 7 (Good user).