Deadline : 11 December 2017
The Coordination and Support Action, IC4WATER was launched in January 2017 in support of the Water JPI, and is funded by the European Commission under H2020. IC4WATER aims to implement Joint Activities in a dedicated effort to reinforce international cooperation in the area of water challenges, and to further support the implementation and the strategy of the Water JPI.
IC4WATER focuses in particular on the UN Sustainable Development Goals ( UN SDGs ) related to water challenges for implementing the Water JPI Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA 2.0 ). It will be implemented through a Joint Call for transnational collaborative projects on research and innovation to support the implementation of water policies. IC4WATER aims to develop new governance and knowledge management approaches by:
Developing new approaches and tools for water management aimed at setting up innovative alternatives suitable for decision-making.
Envisaging education and communication initiatives to raise social awareness of consumption habits and water scarcity and to increase the levels of social acceptance and use of recycled water.
IC4WATER will benefit researchers, policy-makers, water authorities, utility operators, industry and citizens by developing research and innovation in the water area.
Scope of the 2017 Joint Transnational Call funded under IC4WATER
Proposals are invited on the topic “Water resource management in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”, organised around two challenges:
- Multiple pressure effects on ecosystems and ecosystem services as well as effective mitigation – adaptation tools and assessments for implementing the water related targets of the UN SDGs.
- Developing accessible solutions for clean water management to address UN SDG6 targets and associated SDGs.
The Water JPI 2017 Joint Call will be funded by 12 Funding Partner Organisations from 12 countries.
This Call is for collaborative transnational research proposals. Consortia should include a minimum of 3 partners from 3 different participating countries.
Researchers from other countries can also participate at their own costs (commitment needed for being associated to a consortium applying to the Water JPI 2017 Joint Call).
Planned Timeframe
- Opening of the 2017 Joint Call – 10 October 2017
- 1st stage – Deadline for submission of pre-proposals: 11 December 2017, 17h00 (CET)
- 2nd stage – Deadline for submission of full proposals: 27 April 2018, 17h00 (CET)
More information
IC4WATER Call Secretariat:
Johannes Holmen – Research Council of Norway
[email protected]
IV. Pre-Proposal template (word )
- Only proposals submitted by transnational consortia will be eligible;
- Each consortium must be composed of at least a minimum of three eligible partners that request funding from participating Funding Partner Organisations from three different countries;
- Proposals must be submitted by Universities and other higher
- education institutions, public research institutions, private non-profit organisations, and private companies, according to National Regulations. The relevant National/Regional participation rules apply to each partner in relation to the corresponding Funding Partner Organisation (FPO).
- Proposals must meet all the formal criteria (submitted electronically, respect page limits and number/type of attachments allowed, written in English language);
- Topics of the proposals must be fully relevant to the scope of the call;
- The requested total budget cannot exceed 1.5 M€ (per proposal);
- Duration of projects must range between 24 to 36 months.
- A Consortium Coordinator can only participate in the proposal he/she is coordinating (i.e. if the principal investigator is the coordinator of a proposal, he/she cannot participate in any other proposal, neither as a coordinator nor as a partner);
- The Consortium Coordinator must be eligible to be funded by one of the Funding Partner Organisations;
- Researchers from the Funding Partner Organisations cannot apply to this call.
- Researchers from other countries can also participate at their own costs (commitment needed for being associated to a consortium applying to the Water JPI 2017 Joint Call).